Module 8 – Scenario 2 Answers

Scenario # 2 – Who’s Minding the Store

What are the problems that you see in each Service Area?

1. The urban area has several struggling units that are in immediate danger. In many cases you almost need a Unit Commissioner for each unit to assure that it gets the service and support it needs to survive. This suggests a real need here for recruiting new Commissioners. Until you can get some help you won’t be able to effectively monitor the units’ problems and figure out how to help. However, in the meantime you are going to have to try. Can you get training delivered close by? Can you work out partnerships between weak units and strong units elsewhere in the District to promote “buddy” unit campouts with shared gear, etc.? This should be enough to get you started. Do you need to replace the ADC? What about the ADC’s spouse? Should the spouse be recruited and trained to help?

2. The suburban area seems to be doing okay on its own. You can probably put it on the back burner for now. Sure you need to be concerned with the ADC’s lack of organization, but is it critical?

3. The rural area is doing great too, but there is a problem and that is over reliance on a single individual. What will happen if your ADC quits or dies? Shouldn’t there be two-deep Commissioner leadership for every unit? Is this an area where we should be focusing on development?

What are the weaknesses that you see with each ADC?

1. The Urban ADC has a problem in meeting the commitments he has because of conflicting demands on his/her time. This ADC may not be minding the store at all. Is this a problem? How can this problem be reduced? Could recruiting solve any problems? How about a alternate or back-up person for when he/she is gone? Should we be considering a change in staffing?

2. The suburban ADC is not well organized. Is this necessarily a problem? How can we get around this one? What are the dangers? What can be done to help? What can the District Commissioner do knowing that this person needs help with organization?

3. The biggest weakness in the rural area is also the strength. The problem is that this is all a one-person show. What happens when this one key person leaves? What will happen in the vacuum? What are the dangers of this person burning out? Is this person an effective ADC/manager? What kinds of skills does this ADC need to develop?

Which Service Area is in the most trouble right now?

1. The urban area needs immediate attention. Without expedited help, you may lose a significant opportunity to bring Scouting to a lot of boys.

Which Service Area is in the most danger – a bomb waiting to explode?

1. The area that is in the most danger is the rural area. As soon as this ADC burns out or leaves, you are going to have a vacuum and the driving force that has made this area succeed will be gone.

What should your priorities be in working on these problems?

1. Determine whether you need a staffing change with the urban ADC. You will have to weigh whether the loss of experience is balanced by someone who can be there and whether you can train a new one. Could you switch anyone from another service area into the position or trade between the urban and suburban ADCs? The suburban ADC may be great at working with units and the urban ADC may get on better where daily attention is not needed as in the suburban area.

2. You need to be recruiting in two different ways almost immediately:

a. You need to recruit a larger number of people for single or two unit Commissioner jobs in the rural area and all of these people are going to need training quickly
b. You need to recruit a small cadre of Commissioners to work under the ADC in the rural area with one of them to act as a back-up.

3. Finally, you need to be looking at sharpening up the management skills of each ADC to address the weaknesses you identified; e.g. delegation of responsibility, organization skills, etc.

What steps should be taken to improve each Service Area?

I’ll leave this one for you to comment on and in later revisions I’ll add the best answers.

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